
There is this common question, “how can foreigners find a job in Canada?”. Canada is a popular destination for many foreigners who want to work and live in a diverse and multicultural country. However, finding a job in Canada can be challenging, especially if you are not familiar with the Canadian labour market, the immigration process, and the credential recognition system.


Let’s look at some practical tips and resources on how can foreigners find a job in Canada.

Confirm your eligibility to work in Canada

Before you start looking for jobs in Canada as a foreigner, you need to make sure that you are eligible to work in the country legally. Depending on your situation, you may need to apply for an immigration program or a work permit.

  • If you want to immigrate to Canada permanently, you can explore the different programs that are available for skilled workers, such as Express Entry, Provincial Nominee Program, Atlantic Immigration Pilot, etc. Each program has its own eligibility criteria and application process. You can use the online tool Come to Canada to find out what programs you may qualify for.
  • If you want to work in Canada temporarily, you will usually need a work permit, unless you are exempt from it. There are two types of work permits: employer-specific and open. An employer-specific work permit allows you to work for a specific employer, while an open work permit allows you to work for any employer. To get a work permit, you need to meet certain requirements, such as having a valid passport, a job offer (in most cases), and enough money to support yourself and your family. You can learn more about work permits on the official website of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Check if your qualifications are recognized in Canada

Another important step before applying for jobs in Canada is to verify if your education, skills, and experience are recognized and valued in the Canadian labour market. Depending on your occupation, you may need to obtain a professional licence or certification from a regulatory body or an assessment agency.

  • If your occupation is regulated in Canada, it means that you need to meet certain standards and qualifications to practice it legally. Regulated occupations include professions such as doctors, nurses, engineers, teachers, accountants, etc. Each province or territory has its own regulatory authority that sets the requirements and issues the licences or certificates. You can use the Foreign Credential Recognition Tool to find out if your occupation is regulated and how to get your credentials recognized.
  • If your occupation is not regulated in Canada, it means that you do not need a licence or certification to work in it. However, you may still need to get your foreign education assessed to show employers how it compares to Canadian standards. You can get an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) from a designated organization that will evaluate your degree, diploma, or certificate and provide you with a report that indicates its Canadian equivalency. You can find more information about credential assessments on the IRCC website.

Search for jobs that are open to foreign candidates

Once you have confirmed your eligibility and verified your qualifications, you can start searching for jobs that match your skills and interests. However, not all jobs are open to foreign candidates, so you need to be selective and strategic in your job search.

  • One of the best ways to find jobs that are open to foreign candidates is to use online platforms that specifically target this audience. For example, Job Bank is the official website of the Government of Canada that offers free occupational and career information for job seekers. On Job Bank, you can filter jobs based on occupation type, location, employment conditions, language at work, period of employment, and salary. You can also look for jobs that have a symbol that indicates that they are open to international candidates.
  • Another way to find jobs that are open to foreign candidates is to research companies that are known for hiring foreign workers or sponsoring them for immigration or work permits. Some examples of such companies are Shopify, Amazon, IBM, Deloitte, etc. You can visit their websites and look for job postings that state their interest in hiring foreign candidates. You can also use online platforms such as Indeed and LinkedIn to search for jobs from these companies and others that are similar.
  • A third way to find jobs that are open to foreign candidates is to network with professionals who have immigrated to Canada or who work in your field of interest. You can use social media, online forums, or immigrant-serving organizations to connect with people who can offer you advice, referrals, or recommendations. You can also attend job fairs, workshops, or events where you can meet employers and discuss job opportunities.

Prepare your resume and cover letter

After you have found some jobs that you are interested in, you need to prepare your resume and cover letter to apply for them. A resume is a document that summarizes your education, work experience, skills, and achievements. A cover letter is a document that introduces yourself to the employer and explains why you are a suitable candidate for the job.

  • When writing your resume and cover letter, you should follow the Canadian standards and expectations. For example, you should use clear and concise language, avoid personal information such as age, marital status, or religion, highlight your relevant skills and accomplishments, and tailor your documents to each job. You can find more tips and examples on how to write a resume and a cover letter on the Government of Canada website.
  • When applying for jobs in Canada as a foreigner, you should also include some information that shows your eligibility and readiness to work in the country. For example, you should mention if you have a valid work permit or if you have applied for an immigration program. You should also indicate if you have an ECA report or a professional licence or certification. You should also highlight any Canadian work experience or education that you have or any language skills that you possess.

Submit your application and prepare for an interview

The final step in finding a job in Canada as a foreigner is to submit your application and prepare for an interview. An application is the process of sending your resume and cover letter to the employer through their preferred method, such as email, online form, or mail. An interview is the process of meeting with the employer in person, by phone, or by video call to answer questions about your qualifications and suitability for the job.

  • When submitting your application, you should follow the instructions and requirements of the employer carefully. For example, you should use the correct format, file type, and subject line for your documents. You should also attach any additional documents that the employer may request, such as references, portfolio, or samples of your work. You should also send your application before the deadline and keep a copy of it for your records.
  • When preparing for an interview, you should research the company and the job thoroughly. For example, you should learn about the company’s mission, vision, values, products, services, clients, competitors, etc. You should also review the job description and identify the main skills and responsibilities that are required. You should also practice answering common interview questions and prepare some questions to ask the employer. You should also dress professionally and arrive on time for the interview.

Finding a job in Canada as a foreigner can be a rewarding and challenging experience. By following these steps and using these resources, you can increase your chances of landing a job that suits your skills and goals.


I'm Ian, a travel blogger with a background in publishing. My hobby is exploring new places, and here, I share my discoveries from quaint towns and bustling cities. Each trip inspires my next post, inviting you to join me on this exciting journey.